What is airsoft?
"Airsoft Events" is the leading airsoft event organizer in Latvia. More than 8 years of experience and over 3000 events. AIRSOFT OPEN GAMES. The perfect place to take a break from everyday life and spend an exciting, adrenaline-filled day alone or with friends, associates or family. "Airsoft Events" organizes open games where anyone interested can join.
No prior knowledge or own equipment is required to participate. Our events attract a large number of airsoft enthusiasts and we have created a friendly community that is helpful to new players.
Open games are a great opportunity to understand if this hobby is for you, as well as an opportunity to see, test and even try your hand at different airsoft replicas and different play styles. We have the widest airsoft equipment rental available in Latvia.
"Airsoft Events" organizes events of various difficulties and styles, so before going to one of our events, we recommend reading the event description and game rules.
How airsoft is played?
Players are divided into two or more teams. Each team is told their goal and task. Game participants, using teamwork or their individual abilities, must arrive at the team's common goal. Hitting an opponent with the ball neutralizes the opponent and must return to their base point. The game is won by the team that has completed all its tasks within the specified time.
"Airsoft Events" - fun, entertaining events
- Airsoft - organization of events, shop, full repair and maintenance service.
- Bachelor parties - special tasks and bachelor test.
- Team building events - we offer not only airsoft, but also various direct team building tasks and we will organize your event / team building or sports games from A to Z.
- Birthday parties.
- Class excursions, student excursions.
- Corporate events, events, sports games, indoor and outdoor entertainment. A full service is offered - entertainment, snacks, rooms, organization of the event.
- AIRSOFT SERVICE, shop, improvement service, USED AIRSOFT. Repair of airsoft replicas.
- Mobile phone +371 25914643
- Mobile phone +371 25934229
- E-mail info@airsoftevents.lv
- Homepage https://www.airsoftevents.lv/
Want to get in touch with you? Fill out the form.
Contact formReviews
Superīgs uzņēmumu pasākums, ballīte, sporta spēles nodarbe, izklaide telpās un dabā. Adrenalīns. Iesaku.
Airsoft, Volleyball, Laser tag game, Lasertag, Stag parties, boys events, entertainment, Birthday parties, Sports games, Leisure activities, Team challenges, consolidation measures, team game, Airsoft Replica Service, Airsoft repair, Airsoft Shop, airsoft and military goods, Interesting, EXCITING ACTIVE RECREATION, Organization of events, measures, entertainment for companies, which operates in both construction industries, both in accounting, both in medicine-related industries, Assembly of employees, dating events, Work, family, bringing together like-minded people, consolidation measures, event, Class tours, school tours, student event, measures, entertainment, AIRSOFT SERVICE, repair of replicas, retort, equipment store, improvement service, repair works, USED AIRSOFT, Equipment, Airsoft replica, AIRSOFT WEAPONS
AIRSOFT LATVIA Maskavas forštate, AIRSOFT LATVIA Maskavas forštate, AIRSOFT repairs Maskavas forštate, AIRSOFT replica equipment shop Maskavas forštate, Airsoft Maskavas forštate
Business region
"Berga bazārs", "Centrs" - veikals, Vecrīga, "Dole" - veikals, Ķengarags, "Domina", VEF, "Mols" - veikals, Maskavas forstate, "Mēbeļu nams" - veikals, Purvciems, "Tallina" - veikals, Jugla, "Teātra pasāža", Vecrīga,Centrs, "Upīša pasāža", Ainaži, Aizkraukle, Aizpute, Aknīste, Alfa, Šmerlis, Aloja, Alūksne, Ape, Aplokciems, Asari, Asari, Valteri, Atgāzene, Šosciems, Auce, Balasta dambis, Baldone, Baloži, Balvi, Basteja pasāža, Vecrīga, Bauska, Beberbeķi, Berģi, Berģuciems, Juglas parks, Bišumuiža, Katlakalns, Bolderāja, Brasa, Brekši, Brocēni, Bukulti, Bulduri, Centrs, Centrs, Centrs, Centrs, Cesvaine, Cēsis, Dagda, Daugavgrīva, Daugavpils, Dobele, Dreiliņi, Dubulti, Durbe, Dzintari, Dzirciems, Dārzciems, Dārziņi, Grobiņa, Grīziņkalns, Grīziņkalns, Gulbene, Ikšķile, Ilūkste, Imanta, Iļguciems, Dzirciems, Iļģuciems, Jaunciems, Jaundubulti, Jaunjelgava, Jaunmīlgrāvis, Jaunķemeri, Jelgava, Jugla, Juglas centrs, Jugla, Juglas papīrfabrikas ciemats, Jēkabpils, Jūrmala, Kandava, Kapi, Kauguri, Kleisti, Klīversala, Klīversala, Krasta masīvs, Krastaciems, Krāslava, Krēmeri, Kuldīga, Kundziņsala, Kārsava, Lejas podrags, Lielupe, Lielvārde, Liepāja, Limbaži, Lubāna, Lucavsala, Ludza, Lāčupe, Imanta, Līgatne, Līvāni, Madona, Majori, Makšķernieku ciemats, Mangaļsala, Maskavas forštate, Maxima-Deglava, Purvciems, Maxima-Saharova, Pļavnieki, Maxima-Slokas, Imanta, Maxima-Vienības, Ziepniekkalns, Mazsalaca, Melluži, Mežaparks, Mežciems, Minska, Purvciems, Mūkupurvs, Mūkusala, Nordeķi, Ogre, Olaine, Olympia-Olimpija, Ķīpsala, Origo, Ozolciems, Petriņciems, Bieriņi, Ozolnieki, Papīrfabrikas ciemats, Piltene, Pleskodāle, Preiļi, Priedaine, Priekule, Pumpuri, Purvciems, Pārdaugava, Pāvilosta, Pētersala, Andrejsala, Pļaviņas, Pļavnieki, Rēzekne, Rīga, Rīnūži, Rītabuļļi, Rūjiena, Sabile, Salacgrīva, Salaspils, Salaspils, Saldus, Sarkandaugava, Saulkrasti, Seda, Sigulda, Skrunda, Sloka, Smiltene, Spice, Staicele, Stende, Stockman-Stokman, Strenči, Subate, Talsi, Teika, Tirgus, Torņakalns, Trīsciems, Tukums, Universālveikals, Galerija Centrs, Vecrīga, VEF, Vaivari, Valdemārpils, Valka, Valmiera, Vangaži, Varakļāni, Vecdaugava, Vecmīlgrāvis, Ziemeļblāzma, Vecrīga, Vecāķi, Ventspils, Viesīte, Viļaka, Viļāni, Vējzaķusala, Mazā Vējzaķusala, Zasulauks, Zaķusala, Ziemeļu rajons, Ziepniekkalns, Zilupe, Zolitūde, Zvēraudzetavas ciemats, Jugla, Āgenskalna priedes, Āgenskalns, Āgenskalns, Čiekurkalna tirgus, Čiekurkalns, Čiekurkalns, Ķegums, Ķekava, Ķemeri, Ķengarags, Ķīpsala, Šampēteris, Šmerlis, Šķirotava, + in 509 parishes, + in 2 regions
Legal information
Registration certificate number 43603087656
VAT number LV43603087656
Founded 16.05.2019
Legal address Dzērvju iela 6, Rīga, LV-1019
Submitted of annual reports 2023
Owners 1
Number of officials 1
NACE code and category 9312 Sporta klubu darbība
NACE version 2.1