Anna Junga Nutrition, LTD

Anna Junga Nutrition, LTD
About the course

About the course






I am a certified nutritionist, doctor, doctor of medical sciences. I must say that I have never been able to apply such statements to myself "ēdu ko gribu, bet nekas neiet labumā" . During the studies, the study load and stress took their toll! There was no time to think about eating! I live with the idea that an extra 5 kg is not so crazy anymore..; The first child was born and without realizing it I had gained a few extra kilos. After the second pregnancy, the amount of extra kilograms had reached unprecedented proportions. I realized that I cannot continue like this! It was time to put the carefully accumulated theoretical knowledge into practice. I gradually said goodbye to 20 extra kilograms! The first group of friends and relatives was formed who wanted to try the menus I created. The positive feedback encouraged us to go further and offer our eating plans to an even wider range of people. That's how SIA started to operate "Anna Junga Nutrition" and Healthy eating courses. Every organized course brings me real joy and satisfaction because I can help others achieve their dreams!

Main activities

LTD "Anna Junga Nutrition" is engaged in educating the public about healthy nutrition. Informative materials are created, myths about healthy nutrition are explained, and easy-to-prepare recipes are offered to include in your everyday life. A healthy diet provides the necessary nutrients for the human body, and can also be an excellent prevention for the development of various diseases.


LTD "Anna Junga Nutrition" offers 5-week Healthy Nutrition courses for weight loss or maintaining the desired weight. During the courses, the participants cook according to the menus developed by Anna Jung, a certified nutritionist and doctor. In addition to convenience, matching shopping lists are also offered. The support of a nutritionist is available in the group throughout the course, as well as the opportunity to receive answers to unclear questions. A healthy eating course helps you develop a healthy relationship with food. It is essential to get enough nutrients to live an active life and feel good and energetic. Food can be delicious and enjoyable even during weight loss!


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Svara samazināšanas ieteikumi, uztura speciāliste. Paldies par kursu. Izdevās samazināt svaru.

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Cik daudz mēs varam iegūt ikdienā lietojot sabalansētas un garšīgas maltītes - enerģijas pieplūdums, atteikšanās no neveselīgiem našķiem, svara samazināšanās. Annas Jungas sastādītās ēdienkartes gatavoju ar prieku, jo pieejami un sezonai atbilstoši produkti, kas veido lielisku garšu buķeti. Iesaku!

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Legal information

Registration certificate number 40203305787

VAT number LV40203305787

Founded 30.03.2021

Legal address Leona Paegles iela 7 – 20, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150

Submitted of annual reports 2023

Owners 1

Number of officials 1

NACE code and category 8559 Citur neklasificēta izglītība

NACE version 2.1


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Annual Report 2023.

Current balance, profit and loss calculation, cash flow, etc. applications, if available (scanned / EDS format)


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