Architect company Ivara Šļivkas birojs LTD

Architect company Ivara Šļivkas birojs LTD

Tērbatas 93/, Rīga LV-1001


Ivara Šļivka's office has been operating in the field of architecture for 30 years and offers solutions in architectural design, project management, construction project development, territory planning and design.



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Legal information

Registration certificate number 57102000261

VAT number LV57102000261

Founded 25.09.1991

Legal address Tērbatas iela 93/95 – 2, Rīga, LV-1001

Submitted of annual reports 2023

Owners 1

Number of officials 1

NACE code and category 7111 Arhitektūras pakalpojumi


Advanced reference (View sample)

Officials, Owners, Turnover, Profits, Commercial Pledges, Collateral, Contacts, etc. current, historical information.

Annual Report 2023.

Current balance, profit and loss calculation, cash flow, etc. applications, if available (scanned / EDS format)

Working time

Now closed

Sunday: holiday

Monday: 9:00-18:00

Tuesday: 9:00-18:00

Wednesday: 9:00-18:00

Thursday: 9:00-18:00

Friday: 9:00-18:00

Saturday: holiday


Photos 15

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