Bērnu virtuve, Children's nutrition, Ltd. Lucrum

Bērnu virtuve, Children's nutrition, Ltd. Lucrum

Emīlijas Benjamiņas 10, Rīga, LV-1050 www.mazaparize.lv/
LUCRUM food delivery, take-away meals, food home delivery, workplace

LUCRUM food delivery, take-away meals, food home delivery, workplace

Complex lunch delivery - not less than 3 portions! The food will be delivered hot and at the specified time and place! Plan your time now!

Complex lunch delivery - not less than 3 portions! The food will be delivered hot and at the specified time and place! Plan your time now!

Children's kitchen LUCRUM, Food delivery and ordering. The food will be delivered hot and at the specified time and place! Food delivery in Riga, In the center of Riga, Near Riga

Children's kitchen LUCRUM, Food delivery and ordering. The food will be delivered hot and at the specified time and place! Food delivery in Riga, In the center of Riga, Near Riga

For clients

One of our services is the creation of a balanced menu that meets the requirements and needs of each particular kindergarten. The menu includes everything you need: the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, calories that each child needs in weeks to grow and develop. The daily menu includes what is recommended by the Food Veterinary Service: amount of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat.

The company offers

We offer a professionally created children's menu that meets all the regulations of the Food Veterinary Service. We develop a professional menu for children with health problems( with allergies, stomach problems) .

Ecologically clean products

In our daily work we use only ecologically clean products of Latvian origin. Companies we work with:
  • bread - "Bēnes PB" bakery;
  • meat products - Ltd "Lēdurgas miesnieks", "Nākotne" meat processing plant;
  • milk - Ltd "Rankas piens" ;
  • confectionery - SIA "Smiļģu beķereja" ;
  • vegetables - Ilmars Pētersons farm "BALTIŅI" ;
  • fish - Ltd "Salas zivis" ;
  • ECO milk production( cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese) - SIA "Tukuma piens" ;
  • fruits - Ltd "Kabuleti fruit" .


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Business region

Aizkraukle, Aizpute, Aknīste, Alfa, Šmerlis, Aloja, Alūksne, Ape, Aplokciems, Asari, Asari, Valteri, Atgāzene, Šosciems, Auce, Balasta dambis, Balvi, Basteja pasāža, Vecrīga, Bauska, Beberbeķi, Berģi, Berģuciems, Juglas parks, Bišumuiža, Katlakalns, Bolderāja, Brasa, Brekši, Bukulti, Bulduri, Centrs, Centrs, Centrs, Centrs, Cesvaine, Cēsis, Dagda, Daugavgrīva, Daugavpils, Dobele, Dreiliņi, Dubulti, Durbe, Dzintari, Dzirciems, Dārzciems, Dārziņi, Garkalnes Amatnieki Baltezers Berģi Bukulti Garkalne Garkalnes Langstiņi Makstenieki Priedkalne Priežlejas Ropažu Skuķīši Sunīši Suži Upesciems, Grobiņa, Grīziņkalns, Grīziņkalns, Ikšķile, Ilūkste, Imanta, Iļguciems, Dzirciems, Iļģuciems, Jaunciems, Jaundubulti, Jaunjelgava, Jaunmīlgrāvis, Jaunķemeri, Jelgava, Jugla, Juglas centrs, Jugla, Juglas papīrfabrikas ciemats, Jēkabpils, Jūrmala, Kandava, Kapi, Kauguri, Kleisti, Klīversala, Koknese, Krasta masīvs, Krastaciems, Krāslava, Krēmeri, Kuldīga, Kundziņsala, Kārsava, Lejas podrags, Lielupe, Lielvārde, Liepāja, Limbaži, Lubāna, Lucavsala, Ludza, Lāčupe, Imanta, Līgatne, Madona, Majori, Makšķernieku ciemats, Mangaļsala, Maskavas forštate, Maxima-Deglava, Purvciems, Maxima-Saharova, Pļavnieki, Maxima-Slokas, Imanta, Maxima-Vienības, Ziepniekkalns, Mazsalaca, Melluži, Mežaparks, Mežciems, Nordeķi, Olaine, Olympia-Olimpija, Ķīpsala, Origo, Ozolciems, Petriņciems, Bieriņi, Ozolnieki, Papīrfabrikas ciemats, Piltene, Pleskodāle, Preiļi, Priedaine, Priekule, Pumpuri, Purvciems, Pārdaugava, Pāvilosta, Pētersala, Andrejsala, Pļavnieki, Ropažu Augšciems Bajāri Bajārkrogs Gaidas Jaunbagumi Kangari Kākciems Lielkangari Mucenieki Nāgelmuiža Podkājas Ropaži Ropažu Rotkaļi Silakrogs Tumšupe Ūlupji Vāverkrogs "Villasmuiža" Villasmuiža Zaķumuiža, Rēzekne, Rīga, Rīnūži, Rītabuļļi, Rūjiena, Sabile, Salacgrīva, Salaspils Acone Bajāri Jaunsaurieši Ķeizarsils Mežezeri Pikalne Piķurgas Rūķi Salaspils Saulkalne Silabrieži Tēraudi Tilderi, Saldus, Sarkandaugava, Seda, Sigulda, Skrunda, Sloka, Smiltene, Spice, Staicele, Stende, Stockman-Stokman, Subate, Talsi, Teika, Tirgus, Torņakalns, Trīsciems, Universālveikals, Galerija Centrs, Vecrīga, VEF, Vaivari, Valdemārpils, Valga, Valga un apkārtne, Valgas rajons, Valka, Valmiera, Vecdaugava, Vecmīlgrāvis, Ziemeļblāzma, Vecrīga, Vecāķi, Ventspils, Viesīte, Viļaka, Vējzaķusala, Mazā Vējzaķusala, Zasulauks, Zaķusala, Ziemeļu rajons, Ziepniekkalns, Zilupe, Zolitūde, Zvēraudzetavas ciemats, Jugla, Āgenskalna priedes, Āgenskalns, Āgenskalns, Ķegums, Ķemeri, Ķengarags Krasta, Ķīpsala, Šampēteris, Šmerlis, Šķirotava, + in 498 parishes

Legal information

Registration certificate number 40003585207

Founded 11.03.2002

Legal address Mazā Rencēnu iela 4, Rīga, LV-1073

Submitted of annual reports 2024

Owners 1

Number of officials 2

NACE code and category 5622 Ēdināšanas pakalpojumi uz līguma pamata un citi ēdināšanas pakalpojumi

NACE version 2.1


Advanced reference

Officials, Owners, Turnover, Profits, Commercial Pledges, Collateral, Contacts, etc. current, historical information.

Annual Report 2024.

Current balance, profit and loss calculation, cash flow, etc. applications, if available (scanned / EDS format)

Working time


Sunday: 6:00-21:00

Monday: 6:00-21:00

Tuesday: 6:00-21:00

Wednesday: 6:00-21:00

Thursday: 6:00-21:00

Friday: 6:00-21:00

Saturday: 6:00-21:00


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