Brokane Aija, private practice of psychologists in Rezekne

Brokane Aija, private practice of psychologists in Rezekne

Brāļu Skrindu 9 -, Rēzekne, LV-4601
About a psychologist

About a psychologist



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Contact information


Private practice address - Ventspils, Tirgus iela 7.

Certified and licensed psychologist, ABA therapy specialist, aromapsychologist, olfactotherapist offers services in the following areas:

Performs individual work with children:

  • Adaptation difficulties, behavior problems, communication difficulties in preschool, school and home, in public places.
  • Dealing with crises: personalty and in case of loss( in case of parents or close people, pets, change of residence, change of preschool or school, suffered surgery, illness, divorce of parents, or experienced disaster) . I also use essential oils at work.
  • Counseling and developmental classes for children with autism spectrum disorders( AST), i did ABA therapy.
  • Implementation of the service of individual lessons of a psychologist paid for by the state budget for children with a disability determined for the first time and their parents.
  • Psychological research for children aged 6-16 years, preparation of an opinion for a pedagogical-medical commission.

Works with children's parents, provides consultations and helps parents rearrange themselves, organize and create an ecological home environment that promotes full and emotionally secure upbringing of children.

Conducts counseling for adults, as well as using aromapsychology methods and olfactotherapy.

Olfactotherapy is a body-psyche oriented therapy approach. Its originality lies in the use of smell, aroma and essential oil vibrations and human memories to access the emotional and unconscious( working with the subconscious) .


  • Consulting
  • Learning social, emotional and cognitive skills,
  • ABA therapy
  • Aromapsychology - olfactotherapy
  • Psychological research for children aged 6-16 years, preparation of a psychologist's opinion for a pedagogical-medical commission.
  • Psychologist for children

    Psychologist for parents

    Psychologist for adults

    Work with essential oils is carried out at the request of a specific customer:

  • Helps the client process psychological and physical traumas and blocks.
  • Performs individual correction and positive programming with the help of essential oil aromas.
  • Helps the client to be resourceful.
  • Helps the client to become aware of the causes of difficulties in life, to find a solution in the situations that have arisen, by changing his thinking and behavior.
  • Helps the client to prevent anxiety and panic attacks, teaches to cope with stressful situations and psychological discomfort.
  • Helps the client to build positive self-worth and a positive attitude towards himself and life, to be able to make decisions.
  • Helps to create goals and realize them, achieve success in life.
  • Provides educational advice on the use of essential oils( both olfactory - when smelling and when used on the body) .

  • Contacts

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    Aija Brokāne ir ļoti pieredzējis un profesionāls psihologs bērniem. Viņas spēja veikt psiholoģiskās izpētes bērniem vecumā no 6 līdz 16 gadiem ir augsti novērtējama. Man bija nepieciešams psihologa atzinums pedagoģiski medicīniskai komisijai, un Aija sagatavoja to ātri un profesionāli. Viņas pieeja ir mierinoša un saprotoša, kas ļāva man un manam bērnam justies ērti un saprast situāciju. Es noteikti iesaku Aiju Brokāni tiem, kuri meklē profesionālu un uzticamu psihologu bērniem.

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