LTD "DECORIGA" creates an opportunity for its customers to be their own furniture designers and implement any idea, as the company offers a wide range of furniture materials. You can buy laminated chipboard from us( LKSP), veneered particleboard, veneered MDF, table tops, plastics( HPL), HDF back panels, finishing edges for these board materials. The main advantage of the materials we offer is their quality.
The main cooperation partner is the Austrian furniture board manufacturer FRITZ EGGER GmbH &; Co. OG. DECORIGA is the official EGGER dealer in Latvia. This cooperation means that we offer the entire range of EGGER materials - both from the permanent collection in Riga( all these materials are in stock in Riga), and all other EGGER products from factories. They can be ordered and delivered specifically for the customer. Our large assortment of furniture panels has also been joined by high-quality German fittings from Hettich. We are representatives of the acrylic sheet manufacturer FORNER in Latvia as well as KRONOSPAN dealers. LTD "DECORIGA" offers its customers not only the purchase of board materials for furniture production, but also the service of manufacturing furniture parts. For several years now, we have been gluing parts using the new Hot Air or so-called seamless technology( not by gluing, but by fusing the finishing edges to the part with hot air), using special equipment and special ABS edges designed for this technology.Furniture materials
- EGGER table tops, wall panels, plastic panels
- EGGER laminated boards and plastics
- SMART metal plastic
- ICONO table tops, wall panels and plastics
- FONDI compact discs
- Manufacturing of furniture components
- HETTICH fittings
- AGT material - PVC film on MDF
- FORNER acrylic sheets
- Furniture component manufacturing
- KRONOSPAN RIGA laminated boards
- Veneered plates
- HDF back walls
- MDF plates
- Particleboard KSP
- Adhesives
- Care products
- Mobile phone +371 29994867
- Homepage
- Mobile phone +371 26402439
- E-mail
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Furniture parts, furniture accessories, compact discs, table surfaces, wall panels, fittings, manufacturing of furniture components, wood particle boards, laminated wood particle boards, plastics, metal plastic, acrylic plates, backwall, veneered plates, MDF plates, sound boards, adhesives, paints, care products.
Furniture component manufacturing Imanta, Furniture components Imanta, Furniture handles Imanta, Furniture manufacturing Imanta, Furniture plates Imanta
Business region
Ainaži, Aizkraukle, Aizpute, Aknīste, Aloja, Alūksne, Ape, Auce, Baldone, Baloži, Balvi, Bauska, Brocēni, Cesvaine, Cēsis, Dagda, Daugavpils, Dobele, Durbe, Grobiņa, Gulbene, Ikšķile, Ilūkste, Jaunjelgava, Jelgava, Jēkabpils, Jūrmala, Kandava, Krāslava, Kuldīga, Kārsava, Lielvārde, Liepāja, Limbaži, Lubāna, Ludza, Līgatne, Līvāni, Madona, Mazsalaca, Ogre, Olaine, Piltene, Preiļi, Priekule, Pāvilosta, Pļaviņas, Rēzekne, Rīga, Rīga|Andrejsala, Pētersala, Rīga|Atgāzene, Rīga|Beberbeķi, Rīga|Berģi, Rīga|Bieriņi, Rīga|Bišumuiža, Rīga|Bolderāja, Rīga|Brasa, Rīga|Brekši, Rīga|Bukulti, Rīga|Centrs, Rīga|Daugavgrīva, Rīga|Dreiliņi, Rīga|Dzirciems, Rīga|Dārzciems, Rīga|Dārziņi, Rīga|Grīziņkalns, Rīga|Imanta, Rīga|Iļģuciems, Rīga|Jaunciems, Rīga|Jugla, Rīga|Kleisti, Rīga|Kundziņsala, Rīga|Lidosta, Rīga|Lucavsala, Rīga|Mangaļsala, Rīga|Maskavas forštate, Rīga|Mežaparks, Rīga|Mežciems, Rīga|Mīlgrāvis, Rīga|Mūkupurvs, Rīga|Pleskodāle, Rīga|Purvciems, Rīga|Pļavnieki, Rīga|Rumbula, Rīga|Sarkandaugava, Rīga|Skanste, Rīga|Spilve, Rīga|Suži, Rīga|Teika, Rīga|Torņakalns, Rīga|Trīsciems, Rīga|Vecdaugava, Rīga|Vecmīlgrāvis, Rīga|Vecrīga, Rīga|Vecāķi, Rīga|Voleri, Rīga|Zasulauks, Rīga|Zaķusala, Rīga|Ziepniekkalns, Rīga|Zolitūde, Rīga|Āgenskalns, Rīga|Čiekurkalns, Rīga|Ķengarags, Rīga|Ķīpsala, Rīga|Šampēteris, Rīga|Šķirotava, Rūjiena, Sabile, Salacgrīva, Salaspils, Saldus, Saulkrasti, Seda, Sigulda, Skrunda, Smiltene, Staicele, Stende, Strenči, Subate, Talsi, Tukums, Valdemārpils, Valka, Valmiera, Vangaži, Varakļāni, Ventspils, Viesīte, Viļaka, Viļāni, Zilupe, Ķegums, Ķekava, + in 509 parishes
Legal information
Registration certificate number 40103445869
VAT number LV40103445869
Founded 10.08.2011
Legal address "Rūnas", Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Submitted of annual reports 2023
Owners 1
Number of officials 1
NACE code and category 4683 Kokmateriālu, būvmateriālu un sanitārtehnikas ierīču vairumtirdzniecība
NACE version 2.1