Elien SPA, salon

Elien SPA, salon

Kaļķu 7-3.st., Rīga LV-1050 elienspa.lv/en/massage


SPA procedures

SPA procedures

Day spa

Day spa

About the salon

2015. on 5. in April, in the heart of Riga, we widely opened our SPA salon "Elien Spa" door for those who want to get rid of everyday worries for a short time and spend time for themselves.

We named the salon after women Elien - as a symbol of love for the beautiful side of humanity. And we offered our customers our joint 30 years of professional experience. Two masters work in the studio: Vladimirs and Vija.

To be honest, we are not magicians. We sincerely love our business and prefer "roku" quality of work and not all other attributes of the SPA business. It is because of this that we have more than once witnessed a truly miraculous change in the lives of people who chose to take conscious care of themselves.


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Working time

Now closed

Sunday: 10:00-22:00

Monday: 10:00-22:00

Tuesday: 10:00-22:00

Wednesday: 10:00-22:00

Thursday: 10:00-22:00

Friday: 10:00-22:00

Saturday: 10:00-22:00


Photos 15



Masāžas procedūras Rīgā – enerģijai, relaksācijai un spēku atjaunošanai

Ja ir pienācis laiks piešķirt sev kaut pavisam nelielu atvaļinājumu un nodot sevi prasmīgu masāžas un SPA procedūru meistaru rokās, nāciet uz skaistuma un veselības studiju Elien SPA – tā ir vieta, kur pavadītais laiks un saimnieku sirdssiltā attieksme ļaus uz brīdi aizmirst apkārt notiekošo. 

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