Juridiskā informācija
Excellent legal status
The company has no legal burdens on its operations.
Registration certificate number 40003284675
Founded 26.02.1996
Legal address Katlakalna iela 9A, Rīga, LV-1073
Submitted of annual reports 2023
Owners 1
Number of officials 2
NACE code and category 3521 Gāzes ražošana
NACE version 2.1
Advanced reference (View sample)
Officials, Owners, Turnover, Profits, Commercial Pledges, Collateral, Contacts, etc. current, historical information.
Annual Report 2023.
Current balance, profit and loss calculation, cash flow, etc. applications, if available (scanned / EDS format)
Piegādā unikāli plašas un ātras satura meklēšanas iespējas konsolidētā juridisko un faktisko uzņēmumu datu bāzē.
Industrial gases, argon (Ar) acetylene (C2H2) propane (C3H8) oxygen
(O2) nitrogen (N2) carbon dioxide (CO2-carbon dioxide) helium (He)
hydrogen (H2) laser gas. Welding gas mixtures, (Ferroline, Inoxline,
Aluline, Formiergas, Laserline). Cryogenic (liquid) gases, liquid nitrogen
(LIN) liquid oxygen (LOX) liquid argon (LAR) liquid helium. Medical gas,
medical oxygen, nitrous oxide (N2O - laughing gas); Food Gourmet Gourmet,
carbon dioxide, (carbon dioxide) oxygen, nitrogen, food gas mixtures.
Special gases. Gas cylinder hire, delivery. Gas appliances Messer (Plasma,
Laser) Gloor, Witt, reducers, welding equipment. ADR cargo transportation.
Dry ice. Blastings. Medical gas. Gas cylinder change. Gas cylinders.
(O2) nitrogen (N2) carbon dioxide (CO2-carbon dioxide) helium (He)
hydrogen (H2) laser gas. Welding gas mixtures, (Ferroline, Inoxline,
Aluline, Formiergas, Laserline). Cryogenic (liquid) gases, liquid nitrogen
(LIN) liquid oxygen (LOX) liquid argon (LAR) liquid helium. Medical gas,
medical oxygen, nitrous oxide (N2O - laughing gas); Food Gourmet Gourmet,
carbon dioxide, (carbon dioxide) oxygen, nitrogen, food gas mixtures.
Special gases. Gas cylinder hire, delivery. Gas appliances Messer (Plasma,
Laser) Gloor, Witt, reducers, welding equipment. ADR cargo transportation.
Dry ice. Blastings. Medical gas. Gas cylinder change. Gas cylinders.