Juridiskā informācija
Excellent legal status
The company has no legal burdens on its operations.
Registration certificate number 40103223751
VAT number LV40103223751
Founded 06.04.2009
Legal address Dēļu iela 5, Rīga, LV-1004
Submitted of annual reports 2023
Owners 1
Number of officials 4
NACE code and category 6832 Citas operācijas ar nekustamo īpašumu uz līguma pamata vai par atlīdzību
NACE version 2.1
Advanced reference (View sample)
Officials, Owners, Turnover, Profits, Commercial Pledges, Collateral, Contacts, etc. current, historical information.
Annual Report 2023.
Current balance, profit and loss calculation, cash flow, etc. applications, if available (scanned / EDS format)
Piegādā unikāli plašas un ātras satura meklēšanas iespējas konsolidētā juridisko un faktisko uzņēmumu datu bāzē.
house management and administration, professional apartment building
managers, public service supply, building financial accounting provision,
debt recovery, legal support, record keeping, joint property meeting
organization. Yard keeper services, lawn mowing, leaf collection, snow
cleaning, removal, gardener services, landscaping greening, tree cutting,
bush cutting, greening, improvement, lawn installation, planting care,
snow shoveling removal, ice-cover liquidation, roof cleaning, stairway,
common facilities everyday cleaning, stairway, common facilities spring
cleaning, territory daily care, rat extermination, disinfestation.
Internal and external communication maintenance, – engineer-technical
equipment, heating and ventilation systems, fire-extinguishing systems,
plumber, electrical systems and lighting maintenance, heat supply system
technical maintenance, water supply and sewerage system technical support,
water supply, sewerage, technical maintenance of lifts, small repair
works, building constructive element supervision, power engineer services,
electrician. Emergency services, water supply, sewerage.
house management and administration, professional apartment building
managers, public service supply, building financial accounting provision,
debt recovery, legal support, record keeping, joint property meeting
organization. Yard keeper services, lawn mowing, leaf collection, snow
cleaning, removal, gardener services, landscaping greening, tree cutting,
bush cutting, greening, improvement, lawn installation, planting care,
snow shoveling removal, ice-cover liquidation, roof cleaning, stairway,
common facilities everyday cleaning, stairway, common facilities spring
cleaning, territory daily care, rat extermination, disinfestation.
Internal and external communication maintenance, – engineer-technical
equipment, heating and ventilation systems, fire-extinguishing systems,
plumber, electrical systems and lighting maintenance, heat supply system
technical maintenance, water supply and sewerage system technical support,
water supply, sewerage, technical maintenance of lifts, small repair
works, building constructive element supervision, power engineer services,
electrician. Emergency services, water supply, sewerage.