LTD "Laktro" is one of the most important livestock equipment and inventory trading, service and servicing companies in Kurzeme. Thanks to excellent technical support and knowledgeable service specialists, we provide fast and high-quality services. We develop projects and advise farmers on the construction of dairy equipment and barns.Contacts
- Mobile phone +371 29267567
- Saldus Laktro +371 63824118
- Jelgava Latro +371 63021147 ;+371 29195551
- Fax( mobile) +371 28690055
- E-mail
- Fax( mobile) +371 29195551
- E-mail
- Homepage
Linked companies
- "Laktro", SIA, Veikals
Rubeņu ceļš 60, Raubēni, Cenu pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3002 +371 63021147 - "Laktro", SIA, Veikals
Kuldīgas 1, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801 +371 63881417
Dairy cattle-breeding equipment, milking equipment, barn equipment, food additives, food, forage preparation materials, feed mixers - dispensers, manure removal, storage equipment, livestock supplies, milk coolers, spare parts, service, repair. Feed Robotic Robot.
Business region
Ainaži, Aizkraukle, Aizpute, Aknīste, Aloja, Alūksne, Ape, Auce, Baldone, Baloži, Balvi, Bauska, Brocēni, Cesvaine, Cēsis, Dagda, Daugavpils, Dobele, Durbe, Grobiņa, Gulbene, Ikšķile, Ilūkste, Jaunjelgava, Jelgava, Jēkabpils, Jūrmala, Kandava, Krāslava, Kuldīga, Kārsava, Lielvārde, Liepāja, Limbaži, Lubāna, Ludza, Līgatne, Līvāni, Madona, Mazsalaca, Ogre, Olaine, Piltene, Preiļi, Priekule, Pāvilosta, Pļaviņas, Rēzekne, Rīga, Rūjiena, Sabile, Salacgrīva, Salaspils, Saldus, Saulkrasti, Seda, Sigulda, Skrunda, Smiltene, Staicele, Stende, Strenči, Subate, Talsi, Tukums, Valdemārpils, Valka, Valmiera, Vangaži, Varakļāni, Ventspils, Viesīte, Viļaka, Viļāni, Zilupe, Ķegums, + in 509 parishes
Legal information
Registration certificate number 48503005201
VAT number LV48503005201
Bank "SEB banka"
Bank Account LV16UNLA0015002467784
Founded 11.03.1997
Legal address Dzirnavu iela 4B, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Submitted of annual reports 2023
Owners 2
Number of officials 1
NACE code and category 3320 Ražošanas iekārtu un ierīču uzstādīšana
NACE version 2.1