Dace Strazda - a doctor with 28 years of experience in the treatment of nerve diseases. An experienced neurologist provides consultations in neurology, algology in cases of disease. Engaged in the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases. Treats pain at the site of pain formation. Accessibility of the environment for persons with functional disorders is ensured.Contacts
- Phone +371 63423149
- For emergencies +371 28351178
- E-mail dakterite2@inbox.lv
- Homepage https://www.dacestrazda.lv/
Headaches, backache, nerve damage, carpal tunnel syndrome, corneal canal syndrome,
neuropathy, urinary retention, dizziness, stroke, epilepsy, tremor,
disturbances, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis, polyneuropathy.
neuropathy, urinary retention, dizziness, stroke, epilepsy, tremor,
disturbances, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis, polyneuropathy.