Zepter International Baltic, LTD

Zepter International Baltic, LTD

Krišjāņa Barona 32 - 2, 2.st., Rīga, LV-1011 link.zepter.com/zepter/hrs7yi64vgaix5
MyionZ – izbaudiet tīru gaisu, lai kur jūs dotos!

MyionZ – izbaudiet tīru gaisu, lai kur jūs dotos!

Brilles Hyperlight Eyewear – revolūcija optikā

Brilles Hyperlight Eyewear – revolūcija optikā

Par veselīgu ēdienu

Par veselīgu ēdienu

About Zepter International

Zepter International is an international Swiss private company founded in 1986. created by Filip Zepter. Since its inception, Zepter International has grown into an international multi-brand company that manufactures, distributes and sells exclusive, high-quality consumer goods worldwide, primarily through its sales network as well as high-end boutiques. Zepter International has conquered the world with more than 100,000 consultants representing the Zepter name, selling approximately one billion products in 60 countries and using more than 400,000 square meters of office space. Enhancing lifestyles around the world, today 8 Zepter factories in Germany, Italy and Switzerland produce hundreds of premium products for everyday healthy living, healthcare and beauty needs.


People's health, beauty and well-being together with environmentally friendly production, its service and education in ecological issues - these are the long-term goals of the Zepter group. Now more than ever, everyone needs Zepter products because Zepter's Health Mission is a simple and natural way to improve your everyday life.

Live better. Live longer.


Get to know our products

Developed as a result of years of scientific research and technological development, Zepter products form a unique system that offers the ideal solution for a healthy lifestyle. All the creators of Zepter products are inspired by the wonder of life and its infinite possibilities. Ancient knowledge teaches that the world is ruled by 4 elements: Light, Water, Air and Nutrition. They define the foundations of Zepter production:

  • Certified light therapy BIOPTRON,
  • Efficient Water and Air purification systems,
  • Unbeatable systems for preparing healthy meals Masterpiece Cookware,
  • Smart Sleep System solution for healthy sleep.

Zepter has built a safe bridge between humanity and nature, encouraging us to live a healthy lifestyle thanks to its wide range of premium products.

Sales share, REGIONS


4-1 Kandava Street, LV-5401 Tel: +371 29476080
e-mail: office@zepter.lvWorking time:
monday - Friday: 10: 00 - 17: 00

Jūras iela 8, LV-3601 Tel; +371 26446826
e-mail: office@zepter.lvWorking time:
monday - Friday: 10: 00 - 17: 00


Andrejs Bulko Mob. phone: +371 26465437
e-mail: sakari22@inbox.lv

Ivars Bukovsky Mob. phone: +371 29430113
e-mail: vita@topometrs.lv

Pavel Milosevic Mob. phone: +371 26012020
e-mail: hypnose77@inbox.lv


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Business region

"Berga bazārs", "Centrs" - veikals, Vecrīga, "Dole" - veikals, Ķengarags, "Domina", VEF, "Mols" - veikals, Maskavas forstate, "Mēbeļu nams" - veikals, Purvciems, "Tallina" - veikals, Jugla, "Teātra pasāža", Vecrīga,Centrs, "Upīša pasāža", Ainaži, Aizkraukle, Aizpute, Aknīste, Alfa, Šmerlis, Aloja, Alūksne, Ape, Aplokciems, Asari, Asari, Valteri, Atgāzene, Šosciems, Auce, Balasta dambis, Baldone, Baloži, Balvi, Basteja pasāža, Vecrīga, Bauska, Beberbeķi, Berģi, Berģuciems, Juglas parks, Bišumuiža, Katlakalns, Bolderāja, Brasa, Brekši, Brocēni, Bukulti, Bulduri, Centrs, Centrs, Centrs, Centrs, Cesvaine, Cēsis, Dagda, Daugavgrīva, Daugavpils, Dobele, Dreiliņi, Dubulti, Durbe, Dzintari, Dzirciems, Dārzciems, Dārziņi, Grobiņa, Grīziņkalns, Grīziņkalns, Gulbene, Ikšķile, Ilūkste, Imanta, Iļguciems, Dzirciems, Iļģuciems, Jaunciems, Jaundubulti, Jaunjelgava, Jaunmīlgrāvis, Jaunķemeri, Jelgava, Jugla, Juglas centrs, Jugla, Juglas papīrfabrikas ciemats, Jēkabpils, Jūrmala, Kandava, Kapi, Kauguri, Kleisti, Klīversala, Klīversala, Krasta masīvs, Krastaciems, Krāslava, Krēmeri, Kuldīga, Kundziņsala, Kārsava, Lejas podrags, Lielupe, Lielvārde, Liepāja, Limbaži, Lubāna, Lucavsala, Ludza, Lāčupe, Imanta, Līgatne, Līvāni, Madona, Majori, Makšķernieku ciemats, Mangaļsala, Maskavas forštate, Maxima-Deglava, Purvciems, Maxima-Saharova, Pļavnieki, Maxima-Slokas, Imanta, Maxima-Vienības, Ziepniekkalns, Mazsalaca, Melluži, Mežaparks, Mežciems, Minska, Purvciems, Mūkupurvs, Mūkusala, Nordeķi, Ogre, Olaine, Olympia-Olimpija, Ķīpsala, Origo, Ozolciems, Petriņciems, Bieriņi, Ozolnieki, Papīrfabrikas ciemats, Piltene, Pleskodāle, Preiļi, Priedaine, Priekule, Pumpuri, Purvciems, Pārdaugava, Pāvilosta, Pētersala, Andrejsala, Pļaviņas, Pļavnieki, Rēzekne, Rīga, Rīnūži, Rītabuļļi, Rūjiena, Sabile, Salacgrīva, Salaspils, Salaspils, Saldus, Sarkandaugava, Saulkrasti, Seda, Sigulda, Skrunda, Sloka, Smiltene, Spice, Staicele, Stende, Stockman-Stokman, Strenči, Subate, Talsi, Teika, Tirgus, Torņakalns, Trīsciems, Tukums, Universālveikals, Galerija Centrs, Vecrīga, VEF, Vaivari, Valdemārpils, Valka, Valmiera, Vangaži, Varakļāni, Vecdaugava, Vecmīlgrāvis, Ziemeļblāzma, Vecrīga, Vecāķi, Ventspils, Viesīte, Viļaka, Viļāni, Vējzaķusala, Mazā Vējzaķusala, Zasulauks, Zaķusala, Ziemeļu rajons, Ziepniekkalns, Zilupe, Zolitūde, Zvēraudzetavas ciemats, Jugla, Āgenskalna priedes, Āgenskalns, Āgenskalns, Čiekurkalna tirgus, Čiekurkalns, Čiekurkalns, Ķegums, Ķekava, Ķemeri, Ķengarags, Ķīpsala, Šampēteris, Šmerlis, Šķirotava, + in 509 parishes, + in 2 regions

Legal information

Registration certificate number 40003262201

VAT number LV40003262201


Bank Account LV98HABA0019408032388

Founded 10.08.1995

Legal address Rīga, Krišjāņa Barona iela 32, LV-1011

Submitted of annual reports 2023

Owners 1

Number of officials 2

NACE code and category 4799 Pārējā mazumtirdzniecība ārpus veikaliem, stendiem un tirgiem


Advanced reference

Officials, Owners, Turnover, Profits, Commercial Pledges, Collateral, Contacts, etc. current, historical information.

Annual Report 2023.

Current balance, profit and loss calculation, cash flow, etc. applications, if available (scanned / EDS format)

Working time

Now closed

Sunday: holiday

Monday: 9:00-17:00

Tuesday: 10:00-18:00

Wednesday: 9:00-17:00

Thursday: 10:00-18:00

Friday: 9:00-16:00

Saturday: holiday


Photos 41



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